
Get Credit For Your Rent

RentProof adds tenant rental payments to their credit reports allowing tenants to build and maintain a strong and healthy credit history by simply paying rent.

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Build Credit With RentProof

Tenants have always been punished for late-payments and never rewarded for on-time payments. RentProof has revolutionized the rental industry and now rewards all renters that pay on time. Tenants can now have their payments reflected on their credit report with Equifax opening the doors to many opportunities.

Good credit plays an important role in one’s financial life. Not only is it essential for obvious things like qualifying for a loan or getting a credit card, but also for less obvious things like getting a cell phone plan, renting a car, and even getting a job.

Flourish with RentProof

RentProof adds rental payments to the Equifax Credit Reports of tenants allowing them to build and maintain a strong credit history to reap the benefits of good credit.

Become A Desired Tenant

Credit conscious tenants that utilize RentProof attract landlords.


Build Credit With No Debt Or Interest

Effortlessly build and maintain a strong credit history without going into debt.


Access More Financial Opportunities

Strong and healthy credit enables access to untapped financial opportunities.


Get Rewarded For On-Time Payments

Accountability over your rent builds trust with your landlord.


Develop A Good Reputation

Build credit with each on-time payment and reap the benefits.


Strengthen Landlord Relationships

Secure trusted relationships with landlords, employers, and many more.

Empowering Tenants

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Leveling The Playing Field

Traditionally, landlords would only report tenants to credit bureaus for late or non-payment of rent which would damage the tenant’s credit history. If missed payments can damage your credit score, then it is only right that on-time payments can benefit your credit score. Get credit for your rent.
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A New Tradeline

By adding rental payments to your credit report with RentProof, a new tradeline will be established on your credit report with Equifax. This tradeline will reflect your tenant’s history allowing them to build and maintain their credit by simply paying their rent.
Coming Soon

RentProof Academy

RentProof Academy is a free online platform that educates people in personal finance and credit.

RentProof Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace outside of the classroom.


Get started with RentProof today