Build with RentProof

Bridging the gap between tenants and landlords

RentProof adds rental payments to credit reports on behalf of Credit Bureaus mutually benefitting both Tenants and Landlords.

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Our Partners

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Developing a Stronger Rental Market

RentProof is a Rent Reporting Agency that is establishing stronger relationships between tenants and landlords by reporting rent to the Credit Bureaus.

RentProof mutually benefits both tenants and landlords by facilitating tenants’ development of a healthy credit history while maximizing the net operating income for landlords

What do we offer?

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For Landlords

RentProof provides rent reporting to Equifax. Landlords of any size can now increase cash flow, reduce costs, and improve social impact goals.
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For Tenants

Get the credit you deserve with RentProof. Tenants can now reap the benefits of RentProof by building and maintaining a strong credit history, without taking on debt, by simply paying rent.
Coming Soon

RentProof Academy

RentProof Academy is a free online platform that educates people in personal finance and credit.

RentProof Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace outside of the classroom.


Get started with RentProof today